söndag 26 maj 2013

Chapter 3 - Ice and Fire

Earliy one morning Rose came out to her little garden only to find that all plant where dormant and resting. There were frost on the leaves and she could even blow small smokerings in the air.  Fall was here. If she did not do anything and that soon she would be forced to leave the project and move away from this sweet town. There were just not time enough for her to wait for two seasons for plants to be able to grow.
She called the only one she could think of who would be resoursceful enough to help her: Stein Svard.
-Sure he answered. I can help  you! I saw some really nice looking windows at the junkyard and the rest is just some carpeting. I can do it.
-I need something to protect form the frost and the cold,  Rose said. Otherwise I will have to start all over again.
-A greenhouse will fix that no problem he promised. Except for you apple tree I am sure we will be able to save most of your plants!
Said and done, Rose had always thought Stein had a genious streak and now he really proved it. Just a short time later her little greenhouse was set up and her plants well protected within it.

Rose was so relieved that Stein that managed to drum all this together in  such a short notice. If he had not come through for her she would have much likely had to go home, the project unfinnished. Without thinking she flung herself around his neck and kissed him.
-Thank you SO much Stein! I dont know what I would have done without you!

She had regretted the kiss almost as soon as she had done it. Damn! What was she thinking? He was a married man for goodness sake! Rose was sure he would push her away in disgust and never talk to her again. Strangely enough he didn't. Instead he dragged her closer and deepened their kiss....

The kiss continued for what seemed to be a sweet eternity and Rose knew she really ought to end this and that like yesterday, but his eyes hold her firm and her arms and legs felt like yello. Then Stein let go, pushed her away and turned on his heals and went to his car. He was gone a few seconds later.

You truly are a real star, you know that, Einstein? she muttered to herself later that night, when she did some seed experiments to distract herself.  Now see what you have done! You have scared off one of your few freindships in this town! Congratualtions! Well done!

She felt so utterly ashamed of herself. If she could have she would have turned back time and make the kiss undone. On the other hand, she found herself time after time having to reel her thoughts back from that kiss. How sweet it had been and how firm he had been against her. Oh, what on earth would she do???

OK, some things are not meant to be apprently. A drama free Legacy is one of those things. I did NOT intend for this to happen and was not responsible for this at all! Well, kind of... I had this short thought of:  "Hmmm, how mad will he be if she kissed him?" And just for fun I went ahead with it thinking hewould push her  away and start yelling at her. But he did not push her way apprently and I was sitting there with my mouth haning wide open in surprise....^^

8 kommentarer:

  1. Oops, that's going to make your legacy a bit interesting... I wonder how it'll affect their friendship

    1. It sure does! And we will just have to see what will happen with their freindship.... ^^

  2. Haha! Well, if you rolled single I think you've just found your first baby's daddy! :p

    Sweet of him to help with the greenhouse, though!

    1. Oh my, THAT never occured to me at all... Well, ofc it did. But truth be told that is just a back up plan if my other evil plan fails :-)

  3. Lol! It's fun to see just what would happen sometimes. Might as well, right? Loved it!

    Yay for her greenhouse to keep her crops alive through the fall and winter. Has she managed to find a nectar making book at the consignment store yet?

  4. It really is! And no, she has not found the book yet. Or she saw it in the consignment shop, could not afford it and then someone else bought it.... Gah!

  5. Oh noes! He's married?! That's not good. But interesting that he returned the kiss. Well whatever happens there, at least she has her greenhouse now =)

  6. Woo! Going for that extramarital kiss!
